Sign Up for the WBP Newsletter!

Hey. So, if you follow me on Twitter, you may have heard about my newsletter. 

You know? The one you can sign up for? By clicking the NEWSLETTER tab at the top of the page? The one that gets sent out every other Wednesday at 6AM PST?  

You know, that newsletter? That I launched two weeks ago? That you can submit blog posts, Instagram accounts, or Etsy shops to be featured in

Yeah! That newsletter! 

I wanted a place to showcase something a little different from my blog--something topical, something not-exactly-blogworthy... but stuff that still mattered. I also wanted a place to feature some of the amazing blog posts I read from my friends every week, as well as their kickin' Instagram accounts and amazing Etsy shops. 

A lot of newsletters are weekly--but personally, that's just too much for me. If you know me, you know I have an email issue; I currently have 600 unread emails and I'm just actively avoiding that situation (guiltily. I won't pretend I'm OK with it). I don't want to fill your inbox with even more stuff that leaves you overwhelmed and annoyed. So every other week, 6am, a note from me and three kickass blog posts, Instagrams, or Etsy shops. It's that simple. 

You can sign up here. And if you want to be featured, you can submit that info here