March 2018

March 2018 Wrap Up

March 2018 Wrap Up | Writing Between Pauses

March has been an absolute whirlwind of a month. I'm still a little surprised to find myself at the very end of March, looking into April. Didn't March just start? 

It's often odd to me that the months I feel go by really fast are often months that weren't exactly bad, but weren't good either. March was a bit of a rough month for us, thanks to a general lack of sleep and a major change to our routine. 

Things I Learned

I learned to not take advantage of good luck.

Forrest switched to a "big boy bed" at the very tail end of February. For the first week, he did really great... I thought things would be fine. However, he started really struggling to both go to sleep and stay asleep, two issues that we've never had with him. He's also started waking up at 3 or 4am and playing for hours, without making noise, until we wake up at 5 or 5:30 and see that he's out of bed! (Thankfully, he can't get out of his room.) 

This isn't something I would typically write a post about, but wow, it's been rough. You think that once you get through the newborn sleep problems and eventually talk yourself into sleep training that things will be fine. Forrest has been sleeping 12 hours a night straight, without fail, since he was 9 months old. Since then, we've never struggled with his sleep, so we've been a bit spoiled. I've been massively sleep-deprived the last few weeks, more than I have been in a while, and as a result, my tension headaches and migraines have been absolute killers. 

I'm hoping we're through the worst of it and have a good routine figured out. Otherwise, I'm going to just need a constant drip of coffee going. 

Things I Loved

Daffodils. IT'S HERE! Spring has arrived! Sort of. I took this photo halfway through the month. Last Friday, it snowed the entire day and through the night. On the first day of Danny's spring break! The daffodils that had bloomed are unfortunately now frozen, but at least I got a photo. 

Danny's birthday. Danny turned 29 on March 14; I've been 29 since October, so it was nice of him to catch up! He had a fun birthday (well, as fun as it can be when you're an adult working) and I treated him to a few new clothes, a new movie, and a cake. 

Sulfate-free shampoo. I've been really struggling with an itchy scalp for a few months. I've tried a few things that work for a little while and then stop. Finally, I bit the bullet and invested (literally, this was $10 shampoo!) in some sulfate-free shampoo. Alongside using pure tea tree oil (diluted, of course), I've already noticed an improvement in my scalp. I'll write more on this later! 

My Favorite Content

Thanks for reading! Tell me: how was your March?