
5 More Podcasts I Love

podcasts i love list

Podcasts are something I never thought I would get really into, but surprise! I am. I started with Serial and then just started downloading true crime podcasts until I found ones I love. As time goes on, I’m not listening to every true crime podcast anymore (I can only handle so much) and have started to expand my horizons to other podcasts, like history and comedy. 

Here are 5 new favorite podcasts I’ve been listening to lately. 

1. Natch Beaut

Natch Beaut is a beauty podcast hosted by Jackie Johnson. Originally, I heard about Natch Beaut through My Favorite Murder: a commercial ran before an episode once and I was so annoyed by it, I actually skipped it. Fast forward a few weeks and I decided to not be a jerk and actually listen to the podcast. 

And guess what, friends? I really liked it. Jackie is not everyone’s cup of tea, but you know what? I love tea. She’s honest and loud and effervescent. I’m a proud member of the two hundy and I will not be quieted! Listen and fall in love today if you love honest conversations about cruelty in make up, skincare, the deception of the beauty industry, and more. 

2. Wine & Crime

I’m such a creep and I wish I was a member of this friend group: Wine & Crime is hosted by three childhood friends who are spread across the literal world now. They drink wine, get drunk, and talk about a true crime topic every week. They are irreverent and equal opportunity offenders of all humans. Holy Credonia, drop everything and go listen immediately. One time, I was listening to an episode while on a three hour drive and I started laughing so hard I had to pull over. 

3. You Must Remember This

Aside from some issues with their language use (they continue to use the words “hooker” and “prostitute” instead of "sex worker"), I love this podcast: You Must Remember This is a podcast that covers the history of Hollywood, in all its forms. From Charles Manson and those famous murders to legions of dead blondes, they’ve covered everything. I started with the Charles Manson season, then moved on to Dead Blondes. Now, I’m listening to the season the Black List during the McCarthy era. It’s interesting, well-written, and really fun. I listened to two seasons while driving back and forth to Southern California. 

4. Casefile

Do you love the dulcet tones of an Australian accent? Then you’ll love this podcast. Casefile is hosted by Anonymous, an Australian man with an accent that I can only describe as “honey on bread.” I call him Casey, but that’s a personal choice. He covers lots of Australian true crime stories that I’ve never heard about. My favorite episodes are his series on the East Area Rapist and the most recent episode (Case 54) on Daniel Morcombe. 

5. The Dollop

The Dollop is an American history podcast hosted by two comedians: one knows everything about the topic and one doesn’t. Basically, one tells a story and the other reacts. Hilarity ensues. My favorite episodes are 200 (Otto in the Attic), 210 (the New Jersey Shark Attacks), and 56 (Newport Sex Scandal). I listened to episodes 200 and 210 when I was on vacation once and my husband legitimately thought I was scream crying in our room; I was actually just laughing so hard I had started crying a little bit. They’re that funny. Perfect entertainment for right before bed and perfect for listening to with friends or your partner.