dry skin

How I'm Transforming My Dry, Tired Skin

How I'm Transforming my Dry, Tired Skin | Writing Between Pauses

Do you ever say or write or think a small brag (not intentionally!) and then immediately have it bite you in the ass?

On one of the last beauty posts I wrote, I said something along the lines of, “Despite my acne, I’m really lucky to have oily skin; my skin isn’t dry and therefore, I’m naturally protected from typical aging.”

Friends, I played myself. The moment I said it, I think my skin heard it, learned about it, absorbed it from my brain… and decided to rapidly turn around and do the opposite thing. For the last 3 months, I have noticed my skin really struggling. I break out, then my skin gets dry, then I look ancient and tired. I’ve always struggled with redness and being kind of ruddy, but lately, it’s been dialed up another notch.

My skin has been flaky at times and generally just tired looking. Dull.

As you can imagine, I was not happy about this transformation. My skin routine is aimed around being oily and while I use oil in my routine, it wasn’t the focus of my routine. So right as the COVID 19 pandemic started to take off, I was struggling with my skin.

Then, of course, being home, not sticking to my skincare routine as much, and being stressed as hell made it worse. Two weeks ago, I looked in the mirror and thought, who is this person??

The need to transform was strong, but I knew I wasn’t going to have my tools I usually do. No going to Sephora or Ulta and asking a million questions, consulting both sales associates and Google on my phone. No samples. No trial and error. I had to work with what I had available and what I got in my Ipsy.

Even in the past 2 weeks, I’ve seen a huge improvement in my skin. If you have dry, slightly dull skin, here are a few suggestions (and general methods) to see an improvement in the next few weeks.

1. Drink More Water.

I normally hate when blogs give this piece of advice. We get it! Water! We don’t drink enough water!

Personally, based on what I’ve read, I think a lot of people drink too much water. If you’re peeing constantly, you’re drinking too much water—sorry not sorry! Your body is peeing out the excess! Stop! That being said: for the first 10 days of stay-at-home and quarantine orders, I realized that I hadn’t even thought about drinking water for a while. I drank 0 water. No water. I drank coffee and that was it. No wonder I felt like crap???

So, yes, sorry: drink some water. Really. Drink water when you’re thirsty and with meals. You don’t need to pound 100+ ounces of water a day, I promise, but like… have a sip. Maybe 2 or 3, honestly.

Use up sheet mask serum dry dull skin tips

2. Use Up the Serum in Your Sheet Masks.

I have a collection of great sheet masks that I’ve acquired from TJ Maxx and other various stores. If you are doing the same, now is the time to use those babies up! However, my tip for sheet masks is always this: don’t throw away the serum! Once I do a sheet mask, I dope the extra serum into a small tuperware I keep in my bathroom and then use that serum in my routine. Most often, sheet masks have hyaluronic acid in them, which helps absorb moisture; this is a really economical way to keep hyaluronic acid in your routine day-to-day. It’ll help plump your skin and make sure your moisturizer is absorbing as much as it can.

using an AHA peel

3. Use an AHA Face Wash and/or Peel.

AHA stands for “alpha hydroxy acid,” a series of naturally occurring acids that can do a lot to improve your skin. When I talk about using a chemical exfoliant in your routine, often what I mean is a mix of AHA and BHA acids. If you have dry skin, though, AHAs, are the best for you; AHAs have molecules that love water and help improve the skins moisture content.

Right now, I’m using the Murad AHA/BHA Exfoliating cleanser every other day (usually when i take a shower!); I’ve reviewed it previously here. This product is exfoliating, but because it also contains AHA, it’s great for dry, tired looking skin. I’ve also been using the AHA! Peel so Good Skin Renewal Gel (that I reviewed here) once a week to help with texture on and below my jawline and flaky skin.

4. Pick the Right Toner.

Toner is a tough one. For a long time, I was kind of under the assumption that toner was a scam. A fancy water I splash on my face? PLEASE.

But now I know that toners contain those all important chemical exfoliants. Right now, I’m using the PureHeals Softening Toner (which I got a deluxe sample of for $3 from Ipsy); this is a moisturizing toner that contains lactic acid and niacinamide, both of which are great if you have acne. It also has oils in it to help with moisture. In short: it’s a great option for me right now! I also have had good luck with the Pixie Glow Tonic, but that seemed a little drying for me right now.

panda eye masks dry skin

5. Use a Moisturizing Face Wash in the Morning.

I got the TonyMoly Moisture Burst Gel to Water Morning Cleansing cleanser in my Ipsy bag. I generally like TonyMoly’s products: they’re good, but sometimes they can be middle-of-the-road, so I never actually seek them out to buy. I’m glad I added this one to my Ipsy bag though (for $3!); it’s a great, gentle morning cleanser.

I used to never wash my face in the morning, aside from a swipe with water. My logic was that I washed my face the night before and how dirty could my face be again? I’ve realized since then, of course, that my skin needs a blank slate in the morning, plus I spend all night sweating with my hair on my face. I probably just need to wash my face.

Adding this cleanser has been a huge help; morning is often when my skin feels the roughest and driest and if I’m not planning to take a shower, I feel pretty grimy all day. I like this cleanser because it’s really gentle and very moisturizing. However, the cleanser you choose is entirely up to you!

moisturizer for dry dull skin

6. Mix Up Your Moisturizer.

I rotate between 3 moisturizers for the day and at night:

I switch between 2 moisturizers right now because I try to take my skin’s needs at that moment into account. I might feel really dry and then I’ll use my Aromatica moisturizer; I might be really oily or have just oiled my face, then I’ll use the H2O+, as it’s much lighter. It just depends! At night, I also top everything with the Youth to the People Superberry Hydrating Sleep Mask.

7. Stay Consistent.

The last and most important thing is: you’ve gotta follow the routine that works for you every single day. Every morning, every evening, even when you’re really tired. I’m not perfect; the last few nights, I’ve been exhausted and wasn’t doing my routine. Your girl’s face is blotchy, dry, and pretty gross this morning, so guess who is back on the bandwagon? Me.

I hope this helps you all if you’re dealing with dry, tired skin! Have anymore recommendations? Share them with me in the comments!

Disclaimer: Some links in this post are affiliate links! When you click through them, or purchase through them, I receive a small kickback. However, this post is not sponsored and all opinions remain my own—I use all these products! Thanks for visiting Writing Between Pauses. If you’d like to learn more about my disclosure policy, click here.

Beauty Series: My Favorite Lip Balms

Beauty Series: My Favorite Lip Balms | Writing Between Pauses

It's here: the final part of my beauty series on my favorite lipsticks. (To read all the past posts, click here.) 

When I first started planning this series, I knew I wanted to include lip balms. Balm, to me, is a crucial part of wearing lipstick, especially liquid lips: You have to put moisture back in, especially if you're wearing a more drying formula. 

I am somewhat naturally suspicious of most lip balms. Not to throw out a conspiracy theory, but I genuinely believe many popular lip balms actually dry your lips. Standard Chapstick? DRYING. Carmex? Extremely DRYING! Traditional Burt's Bees? Drying. Why? All of these usually contain peppermint oil of some form. Have you ever seen peppermint oil? It's drying; it's a drying agent; it dries out your lips! There is a difference between a sealant and moisturizer; things like Carmex provide a physical seal on your lips, but contain ingredients that further dry out the skin, forcing you to put it on more regularly to feel like your lips have any moisture at all. 

I'm just saying: read ingredients carefully. And if you feel like you need lip balm to have any moisture in your lips, then stop using whatever you're using. I have noticed this in particular with EOS lip balms as well. This is my PSA and the hill I will die on! 

When it comes to these lip balms, these are just my favorites; they are moisturizing without having drying agents to trick me; they smell good; and they feel good. That's my list of criteria! Let's dive in. 

Favorite Lip Balms

1. Burt's Bees Ginger Spice

This is technically a limited edition, Christmas scent... but it's my absolute favorite. (You can see all the flavors of Burt's Bees here, but be warned: check the ingredients for peppermint!) I keep this lip balm in my kitchen to use as I'm cooking or tending to Forrest. Burt's Bees is one of the most used lip balms out there and they've definitely diversified in recent years. This scent is spicy and sweet (without being cloying). Forrest especially enjoys getting some put on! 

2. Smith's Minted Rose Lip Balm

I use this lip balm every morning before I put on my make up. I rinse my face and then take my face brush to my lips to lightly exfoliate, then put on a thick layer of Smith's Minted Rose Lip Balm. As I do my makeup, it sinks in and I wipe off the excess before putting on lipstick for the day. It smells so good and feels so nice on. It is lightly rosy too, so if I wear it plain, it gives a little bit of color. A little tub is quite expensive ($7!), but it has lasted me well over 18 months. 

3. Ulta Beauty Glossy Balm

I received this Glossy Balm in the Ulta Beauty 12 Days of Calendar (read my review here) and, as I said at the time, finding a similar or comparative product was difficult. And such a bummer because I love this balm. It's one of my favorites for when I'm just as home, working and taking photos, and need to look good... but don't want to go all out. It's a lovely, sheer berry color. The Ulta Beauty Butter Balm Glossy in Poppsy is similar, and Ulta does have an SPF lip balm here. I'm on the hunt for dupes! 

4. Skyn Iceland Berry Lip Fix

Skyn recently rebranded, so the tube no longer looks like the one I have. (I have to say, it's a great rebrand.) Skyn is a vegan, cruelty-free company, which makes me love it even more. This berry lip fix is my go to right before bed; a thick layer after my skincare routine and I'm snuggling up in bed. It feels so good on the lips and doesn't leave a cast (my nemesis), plus it smells really refreshing. I received it in my November Ipsy bag, but plan to repurchase soon! 

5. Preventative Measures 101 After Hours Lip Balm

I received this lip balm in my January Ipsy bag and it's recently become one of my fast favorites. I tend to think of my lip balms by where I store them; this is my "work" lip balm because I keep it right beside my keyboard! I love that it smells of passionfruit (without being too strong) and contains ingredients like jojoba and fruit antioxidants. 

How I'm Handling Late Winter Dryness

How I'm Handling Late Winter Dryness | Writing Between Pauses

The past winter has been a really difficult one for me, skin-wise. While I've gotten a handle on my acne, I've started to get, well, really dry. There is no other way to say it: my skin has been dry. Really cold temperatures combined with nightly fires in our wood stove to heat our house and it's a recipe for dry patches. My scalp has been the absolute worst; nothing works on how dry it is, but alas, that's another story. 

I sleep with a humidifier every night, which definitely helps, but at a certain point, you have to put moisture back in to your skin. If you're struggling with severe dryness at the end of this winter (spring, and rain, and moisture, is coming--I believe it!), here are the 4 things that have drawn me back from the precipice of "I guess I'm just a scaly monster now".  

1. Pacifica Kale Luxe Moisturizer + jojoba oil

I bought this moisturizer in a rush while I was in Idaho for Christmas. I hadn't wanted to pack my bottle of jojoba oil and, at the last minute, I froze when it came to moisturizer. So I didn't pack anything. Bad plan. Very bad plan. Idaho is notoriously dry and it was very, very cold while I was there (it snowed!). Needless to say, I was dry without hours of arriving in Idaho, so Danny and I ran to Target. I settled on this moisturizer and I have to say, it was serendipitous. 

I am a total believer that jojoba is the supreme moisturizer for my skin. But in the morning, before I put on makeup, I don't really want to coat my face in oil. This moisturizer, cut with a dollop of SPF and two or three drops of jojoba oil, feels absolutely perfect. It keeps my skin soft and non-greasy, even with SPF. It smells quite strongly of kale, which at first bothered me, but doesn't now. It just feels so good! I usually get severe dry patches on my cheeks starting in January and February... none so far! Truly a Christmas miracle.  

2. Dove Dry Skin Relief Repairing Balm*

When Dove sent me this Dry Skin Relief Repairing Balm, I wondered how I would work it into my skincare routine. I am a pretty solid supporter of Vaseline Cocoa Butter for my evening lotion (sometimes cut with a scented lotion for additional soothing). However, once I tested this out one night, I was hooked. It's less like a lotion and more like a more solid petroleum jelly. The first time I used it, I coated my feet and ankles (the part of my body I struggle with dry, ashy spots), put on socks, and called it a night. The next morning, my feet felt so soft

I now mix a healthy dollop with a pretty good sized dollop of either cocoa butter or Bath & Body Works aromatherapy lotion. It has helped keep my elbows and knees from getting too dry, and my knuckles from cracking. Danny has pretty bad psoriasis and eczema and he's been using it too, to amazing results. 

3. Dove Advanced Care Deodorant* 

At first, I wondered if I should include deodorant in this post--but it's such a bit part of my life, I had to. I struggle with anxiety sweating, to the point where I am almost always sweating out of one armpit, which is quite embarrassing. As a result, I've used some pretty intense deodorants/antiperspirants throughout the years. I always return to Dove. Why? You might ask. 

Because deodorants dry out the skin around my armpit like crazy. I had been using another brand before Dove sent me this deodorant and had developed pretty large patches of dry, flaky skin on the underside of my arm, as well as onto my chest--basically, anywhere that deodorant residue touched, my skin was sapped of moisture. Within a few days of switching to Dove, those spots had definitely reduced in size and severity. Two weeks later and they're completely gone. So if you, like me, struggle with deodorants and antiperspirants causing bad dryness, Dove is the way to go! 

4. Lush Shower Bars 

I love, love, love hot showers. Unabashedly. I am that person in boiling hot water, wondering why my skin is so dry afterward. However, ever since I started using the Strawberry Fields Forever shower bar from Lush, I feel a little less bad about it. As I said in my review recently, this shower bar is basically soap and oil; I use it on my dryest spots to help keep them from getting dry throughout the day. If you struggle with dry skin, especially on your arms and legs, I highly recommend these bars. As well, I think they'd be perfect for pregnancy and using on stretch marks! 

*Disclosure: as usual, an asterisk (*) next to an item indicates that I received it as a sample, for review, or in PR. In this case, I received these items from PR at Dove, but all opinions remain my own. I genuinely love them! To learn more about my disclosure policy, click here