
My November Wrap Up & A Few of My Favorite Things

My November Wrap Up | Writing Between Pauses

Two of my favorite bloggers, Charlotte and Sian, both do monthly wrap ups. It's not something I usually do, but as I get more and more regimented about my blog (imagine me saying that two years ago!), I find myself leaning towards doing them. Well, the time has finally come: I'm going to start including a monthly wrap up, just as a way to decompress about the month, share some favorites, and be a little more personal. 

Here's what I've been up to this month. 


This month has definitely been one of my slower reading months! I usually try to read 4-5 books a month, but for whatever reason, I didn't manage it this time. Perhaps it was because I was sick most of November (food poisoning, then a severe cold). I did, however, read Sisters One, Two, Three by Nancy Star and My Sister's Grave by Robert DugoniSisters One, Two, Three was incredibly good (perhaps one of the best books I've read of 2017). My Sister's Grave is a crime novel, the kind of procedural I usually like, but I found it a little clunky at times. 


It goes without saying that November is always a writing heavy month for me. I expected to be rushing to finish NaNoWriMo at this point in the month; however, by November 18, I was at over 42,000 words and realized I was going to finish early. Not just a little early, but massively early. (I finished the 23rd.) I'm really proud of having finished and actually, I quite like my story; as I've written before, at this point, I write novels entirely for myself. So, it goes without saying, I really enjoy reading the novel I wrote for myself! 

My Favorite Products

What are my favorite products from this month? I'm loving my blush duo from the Beauty Crop in the color Mauve-ulous*. I've also been loving the Beauty Crop's GRLPWR Liquid Lipsticks*; if you're new to the liquid lipstick world, they are the softest, easiest wearing liquid lips. I really want to try the shade Piedaho next! 

(*Note: These are affiliate links. Using them gives me a small kickback. However, I do genuinely love these products!) 

As well, I've been loving my Foot Petals sneakers, my L'Oreal Infallible Pro-matte Foundation (I know it's not cruelty free, but oh gosh, it makes my skin look amazing!), and the BLAQ mask from my October Ipsy bag! 


My two big Netflix watches this month have been Big Mouth and the Great British Bake Off. I watched GBBO while I was sick; I'll fully admit to crying when Candice won in the most recent season (added to US Netflix, at least). Big Mouth is an animated cartoon about puberty; it has some amazing comedians voicing it (like Jordan Peele and Maya Rudolph). If you look back at being 13-14 with both happiness and extreme terror, it's the perfect show for you! 

Well, I think that's a pretty solid round up of my November! How was yours? 

Inspiration Sunday: October 29

Sunday Inspiration: October 29 | Writing Between Pauses

Welcome to another Inspiration Sunday! I can't believe I'm on the home stretch of Blogtober... I'm ramping up for NaNoWriMo and I've already got my first week of November blog posts planned. Who am I? I feel incredibly accomplished. 

I had a hard time narrowing down my last Inspiration Sunday. I had a lot I wanted to include! I decided to include some things from all of October. Let's jump right in! 

1. My Number One Spit Take of October

Um, so did anyone else not know this? I didn't know! I never knew! This changed my life: honestly, truly, changed my world. I want to shout it from the rooftop! I want to put stickers of this tweet on every magazine! I wish I had seen this when I was 15 or 16. How different my life would be... 

2. My Number One Laugh of October

This is an extended joke: I am always making fun of LinkedIn to my husband. Also, one of my favorite podcasts, Wine & Crime, had an extended LinkedIn joke in their occult crimes episode. (Which I highly recommend!) So when I saw this tweet... I started laughing so much that Forrest started doing his fake, "I know why you're laughing!" laugh too. 

3. My Number One Inspiration of October

You Are Enough | Writing Between Pauses
Don't Stop | Writing Between Pauses

Do you ever see a picture at just the right time? These two were ones I saw at just the right moment. Blogtober has been really daunting for me to take on and I'm so proud that I've made it. But at the same time, I've been working on being realistic when I set goals: it's good to be proud when you've accomplished them, but it's also ok to not finish. You're enough even if you don't hit every single goal you set for yourself.