starting your career

3 Easy Habits to Improve Your Time Management Skills

3 Easy Habits to Improve Your Time Management Skills | Writing Between Pauses

I’ve struggled with time management in the past. Mostly in the sense that sometimes I just don’t feel like doing a task. Sometimes I don’t feel like repinning all my Pins on Pinterest. Sometimes I don’t feel like rewriting meta descriptions on my blog posts. Sometimes, I just don’t feel like it! But I have to do it and then find myself taking on any other task just to avoid it. Changing all my Pinterest cover photos? Updating all my social media bios? Making future social media posts in Canva?

Suddenly, I’m deep into April’s content planning… but I haven’t gotten to that blog post I’ve been avoiding or the client work that’s rapidly approaching deadline.

How do you manage your time appropriately and stay on task… even if those tasks are repetitive (like admin work) or overwhelming (like your first client project)? I have a few habits that can help you get into a routine with your daily tasks, both big and small, so you can use your time more efficiently.

But first, let’s talk about your task list.

A Few Notes on Task Lists

I’ve known a few people throughout my life who just don’t write down their tasks, for whatever reason. They never got into the habit or, in one infamous case, they just didn’t think task lists were effective. To do lists, even just writing notes, they just didn’t do them. I’ve known people like this throughout my school and work career. And I just have one thing to say: sometimes it works (if you have a very good memory), but overwhelmingly, the people I’ve known who didn’t write down at least a vague idea of the tasks they needed to complete… didn’t complete them.

They lost track of time or they forgot about the task entirely. If you write down your deadlines on a calendar, even, you’re more likely to remember them and actually complete the work on time. If you keep a note in your phone with a few projects you’re working on, you won’t forget the admin for one of those tasks. But if you don’t keep any kind of system for your tasks, projects, and work… then things are going to slip through the cracks, especially if you work remotely or want to run your own business.

This is all to say: if you don’t keep a task list, or running to do list, day-to-day or even week-to-week, you’re going to miss things. Even if it’s just a post it note stuck to your computer or desk, try to keep some kind of record of the things you need to do. If you want to get more organized, I highly recommend developing a system that works for you; I keep a planner purely for deadlines and tasks that I update daily. If you’d like a blog post about creating a task list system, or picking the right system for you, let me know!

1. Use A Screen Time App to Set Limits

The biggest distraction I have to completing my work is my dang phone. I recently started using the Screen Time settings in my phone that basically make some apps inaccessible for certain periods of time. I also set time limits so I can’t use social media apps more than 3 hours per day on my phone. Right now, I have it set to make all social media apps inaccessible from 9am to 11am (break for lunch), then 1pm to 5pm. Then, all my apps are inaccessible from 9pm on (that’s for sleeping).

It’s really helped me reduce the time I spend on my phone without having to delete my apps. I can opt to open an app for 15 minutes at a time if I need to post something to Instagram stories or check something really fast. Otherwise, it helps me stay on task so I’m not mindlessly swiping through Instagram instead of doing something I need to.

You can download lots of apps that do this for you, but I personally have had good luck with the built-in settings in my iPhone. If you find your phone is a distraction throughout your day, this is the easiest habit to get into: set times where you can’t access the things you use to procrastinate and then get on with your day. (You’ll be surprised at how much time you free up when you aren’t scrolling or reading tweets.)

2. Block Your Tasks in Your Calendar

If you have a time estimate for your tasks, it can be really easy to put them on your calendar in blocked out periods of time. This way, your phone can also send you reminders 15 minutes before the block starts—so you can know it’s time to move on to the next thing (or get started on your work day).

I recently started doing this and let me tell you, it’s been a huge help. It gives me a good idea of how my day will look, while also letting me develop a concrete plan for what I’m doing day-to-day. I usually spend 15 minutes the evening before blocking out tasks on my calendar to give me a good idea of what my day will look like.

Here’s an example of what my time blocking looks like today.

Time Blocking Calendar Example

One important note: if you commute, or have appointments that require drive time, make sure to schedule that time in as well.

Doing this can help you develop the habit of seeing where your time is really going. As well, it can help you better estimate how long each task will take over time, so you can become more efficient as well. I schedule several hours for each blog post, as I often need to stop and research as I write, plus I usually do a read through and edit before scheduling.

3. Think of Tasks as Rock vs. Sand

I recently came across a method of organizing tasks known as Rock vs. Sand. Basically, think of small tasks as sand and big tasks as rocks, and then, think of your day as a jar. If you try to fill the jar with just sand (all those little tasks that have piled up or low priority tasks), you’ll never fill up the jar; you’ll feel like you’re just spinning your wheels and you’ll get tired, burnt out, distracted, irritable… but if you fill your jar with rocks first (that is, if you tackle those big tasks that have been on your plate but feel overwhelming or tasks that are high priority), you’ll fill the jar much faster and have time to add sand tasks on top.

Every evening, I sort my weekly tasks into rock tasks and sand tasks. Then, I pick 2 big tasks (writing a blog post, finishing a client project) and a handful of small tasks (taking photos for Instagram, vacuuming the stairs, starting laundry) to accomplish each day to “fill my jar.” That helps me get a better idea of how to block out my time as well. You won’t get burnt out if you vary the amount of effort each tasks takes throughout the day.

Bonus habit: schedule in time for yourself!

My calendar scheduling ends at 3pm, you might notice, as that’s when Forrest comes home from school. At that time, I start cooking dinner, play with Forrest, listen to music, watch TV, catch up on my podcasts, read… whatever. Throughout the day, I try to take short 10-minute breaks, usually to do some step aerobics in the living room while I listen to a podcast or to grab a drink or a snack, but I don’t schedule those. I go by how I’m feeling. But one thing I make sure to do is not schedule out my whole day. At a certain time, I have to switch off and go into mom mode or, ideally, Michelle mode where I’m no longer an employee.

When it comes to improving your time management habits not letting yourself get exhausted and burnt out is a high priority. It’s ok to take breaks! You don’t have to be scheduled and working 24/7.

Do you have any tips for time management?

The Best Advice I Have for Working During the Holidays

The Best Advice I Have for Working During the Holidays | Writing Between Pauses

The holiday season is getting dangerously close. After Halloween is always when we see a big explosion of Christmas everything in the U.S., but this past weekend, Danny & I admired Christmas trees in Lowe’s. (And Forrest desperately begged us to get a bunch of lawn decorations that, in total, cost more than his school.)

I also work in marketing, so the holidays are never far from my mind when it comes to client work.

Back when I first graduated from college (2011??? Is that right? Am I ancient?), I remember the hardest part of starting my career was working through the holidays. I had never had to work Thanksgiving before! I’d always been bundled up the Wednesday before, driving home to my parents house, working on NaNoWriMo, and then driving back to college Sunday. I’d never had to work the week leading up to Christmas, except when I was in high school, and that was usually only one or two evenings the weekend before the big holiday. Working the day before Christmas or, worse, working on Christmas, or even worse, having to spend Christmas with everyone then go back to the work the next day felt like a big culture shock.

Holiday movies had led me to believe that most businesses effectively shut down during the holidays. Doesn’t it seem like everyone always has the week or two around Christmas inexplicably off in every Christmas movie? They’re all spending loads of time at home without a care in the world. No one is rushing to their laptop to QA some social media posts or make sure a report got delivered to a client.

But, unfortunately, life isn’t like the movies. Yeah, I was shocked too. The first time I had to work December 23, have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off, then pack myself up to go back to work the day after Christmas was a really, really whiny week for me. I know for those just starting their careers, this can be a huge issue with their morale; it’s hard to be cheerful during the dark Winter months when you don’t even get to feel like you really enjoy the only holiday!

Especially for those who are self-employed or running their own businesses, holidays can feel even more rushed. You have tons of client work; everyone is stressed; plus you’re planning this big holiday, potentially with travel. If you have kids, it’s even more stressful.

Here’s the truth: it sucks working during the holidays. It does! It just does! Whether you work customer service (and trust me, the Thanksgiving I spent working at a grocery store was potentially one of the worst days of my life; if you want to see humanity at its absolute worst, go to a grocery store on Thanksgiving and wait until they announce the store is closing. The number of people who drag their feet and plain refuse to leave the store so everyone can get home to their families is shocking) or you work at an office job or if you work for yourself—working during the holidays can be exhausting.

There are ways to make it easier! So whether this is your first holiday season working full time or your 10th, I want to share a few ways to make things like a little easier.

1. Keep your expectations low.

The holiday season is full of expectations. You’re going to churn out amazing client work*, take your family to the pumpkin patch and the tree farm and every other holiday event you can find, keep your house clean, not lose your mind, cook amazing holiday dinners, entertain friends, post jealousy-inducing Instagram photos, and buy amazing gifts that make everyone happy.

Oh, yeah, no.

You aren’t Martha Stewart and no one is expecting you to be! Having a few easy get-togethers with friends throughout the holidays is more important than throwing a bash that leaves you exhausted. And who cares if your house gets a little messy if everyone is having fun for these 3 short months? (Let’s be honest: I care. But I have to let it go.)

The secret is this: keep your expectations low. You will be working through the holidays. Maybe it won’t be like a Hallmark Christmas movie, but hey! That might be a good thing. Lower expectations (for yourself, for your home, for your parties, for work) will serve you well to keep you from feeling disappointed and sad when the season is over.

*Just me?

2. Make work fun.

For several years, every Christmas Eve Eve (you know what I’m talking about), I wore jingle bell earrings to work. If I had to be at work on a day that I would have preferred to spend sipping hot cocoa & watching movies with Danny, then I wanted to have fun.

I’ve worn ugly Christmas sweaters to work. I’ve donned Christmas leggings. I’ve baked cookies to take to my coworkers. I’ve scream-sang Christmas jingles in the car on the way to work to get myself in a better mood. Basically: I’ve made the days I’ve had to work during the holidays as fun as I absolutely could. It wasn’t always fun! Sometimes, there were emergencies, clients freaking out, big events coming up. Emails to get sent out. Next quarter calendars to plan. Christmas falls at kind of a terrible time of year to have a big holiday. But it’s still possible to have fun at work.

Take the cookies. Wear jingle bell earrings. Watch a Christmas movie if you work from home. Eat as many cookies as you want. Light a Christmas candle. Do whatever it takes!

3. Keep the traditions you’re used to.

I have to work for most of the holidays anyway, I thought, my first Thanksgiving working, so what’s the point?

Back when I worked at a grocery store, we all got off work at 2pm (seriously). I rushed to my car and drove home, went up to my room and promptly fell asleep. My entire family was downstairs waiting for me to come down. The entire day had sucked; I was in such a bad mood, having to get to work at nearly 6am to work a full 8 hour shift until 2pm. By the time I got home, I was really done. I stomped my way upstairs and slept through Thanksgiving. I remember waking up and crying. I’d missed one of my favorite holidays, I felt terrible, and I wanted nothing more than to just have a fun day with my family.

It can be tempting to bury yourself in work or just ignore the holidays. It’s easy to say who cares and just ignore it. But if you’ve always celebrated the holidays and there are parts of it you love (whether it’s Thanksgiving or Christmas or your own special family tradition), there is no reason to stop now. You’ll only feel sad that you let yourself miss it.

4. It makes the holidays different.

… but not necessarily worse. Working during the holidays won’t be like being a student during the holidays, or a child during the holidays. Also, working for yourself during the holidays, having your own child during the holidays… it’s all different. Not worse, just different.

You’re never going to be able to reverse time and relive your childhood experiences with Christmas morning. That’s in the past. So why not accept the way the holidays have changed shape now? Sure, you have to work during the holidays—but you can grab coffee with your friends more, go to holiday parties after work, learn how to make hot toddies, and more. It’s different, sure, but it doesn’t have to be bad.