My Top 5 Products I Bought in 2022

One year ago, I started writing this post for 2021. It was the last thing I wrote for this blog—I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue blogging, let alone writing. 2021 was a strange year for me and, if I’m being honest, 2022 was even stranger. One year ago, I desperately wanted to be pregnant. I was beginning to get worried it wasn’t going to happen—that my husband and I would be a one-and-done family not out of choice, but out of circumstances.

I’m writing this now wearing my daughter in an Ergo at my standing desk. I’m also unemployed (again) due to layoffs (again)—which is a whole other story.

The point is… a whole lot can change in a year. One year ago, my top products of 2021 was full of makeup and skincare. This year, it’s… not so much. But I think it’s more helpful, in my opinion, to see what I’m actually using these days. I haven’t put on moisturizer in 3 days, but I will rave about everything on this list. Let’s dive in, bbs.

1. Baby Delight Alpine Bouncer - I wanted a BabyBjorn bouncer like all the influencers have—but I cannot justify nearly $200 on a single baby product that is the equivalent of a scarf on a frame. This one is much cheaper ($60 ish and you can find it on sale sometimes) and we love it. Violet hates the Mamaroo that I was obsessed with buying, but the bouncer? She’ll chill in there, discerning look on her face, while I cook for a solid 20 minutes. (If you know newborns, you know that 5-10 minutes max is their tolerance for just about anything but eating and sleeping.)

2. Stair Basket - This is so goofy, but I bought a stair basket this year. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a basket that is designed to be shaped like a step and just sits on your stairs. I’m guilty of throwing stuff on our stairs to take up “eventually”. I finally decided to bite the bullet and buy this—and y’all, just get the stair basket. Dirty baby clothes? Shove em in. Packages that arrived? Pile em! Miscellaneous stuff that needs to be walked upstairs? Go ahead. Then at the end of the day, I just grab the straps and carry it upstairs. It makes everything so much easier.

3. Ceramic Pots & Pans - I’ve had it in my head to replace my nonstick pans for at least a year. They always scratch and get gross after a year and it feels so wasteful. I have been eyeing these ceramic coated pans for a solid year as well and, on Prime Day, I finally decided to bite the bullet and treat myself to them. Friends, I’m so glad I did. These pans are great and completely worth the investment. I got the pale blue color, but the pink is so cute too.

4. Honest Sprayable Diaper Cream - I hate touching diaper cream. It gets under my fingernails and sticks to everything. I bought this sprayable diaper cream in a whim while I was still pregnant and let me tell you: this stuff is the best. No mess fingers and it works as well as any other diaper cream I’ve used. I love it. If you’re having a baby, you need this. I promise.

5. Mini Uggs (knock offs) - I am a slave to TikTok trends and I wanted a pair of mini Uggs so bad. In my defense, I love Ugg style boots anyway and go through a pair every 3-4 years—I’ve been in need of a new pair anyway. However, I’m never willing to pay Ugg prices (I know, I know) so I’ve always gotten dupes. I bought these ones back in August when my feet were getting swollen at the end of my pregnancy (because Uggs are the only thing that fits comfortably) and they were only $35. Clearly, the rest of the world caught on the price has gone up. But they’re great—super comfy, super soft, and heavy like an Ugg boot.

What a year, y’all. I spent so much of it pregnant and now the rest postpartum. Things have changed so much in 12 months, but I’m feeling pretty good about the upcoming year. I hope you’re feeling the same.