marketing during pandemic

5 Tips for Marketing Your Brand During a Pandemic

5 Tips for Marketing Your Brand During a Pandemic | Writing Between Pauses

I’m going to tell you a small annoyance I have: a lot of the women I follow who own businesses have tried to use the current social climate as an opportunity to sell more. To pivot their businesses, or increase their revenue. Here’s the thing: we’re all scared. We’re all nervous about what comes next because we simply don’t know.

One thing I always tell my clients is: you should never take advantage of certain situations to make sales. You can use a tragedy or a societal event to make sales. You can let those things guide your content. But that’s it.

To best illustrate this, here’s an example from back when I worked at an agency: after the devastating fires in California, one of our clients wanted to place targeted ads for their luxury products in the areas most effected by the fires. Their logic was that people needed a place to live, why not buy one of their products to live in?! I remember reading the emails, listening to the conversation, and thinking, “I don’t know how to make people have a heart.”

It goes without saying: we did not comply with their request. We recommended a few other options—such as gathering donations for those effected and driving them to the area, or donating a significant portion of sales percentages—and they didn’t like them. They wanted to make sales, period, on the backs of people who had lost everything they owned.

Friends, I can’t tell you how much this made me want to quit marketing. I think there are lots of misconceptions about marketing, but the one thing that is, occasionally, true is that some businesses will do anything to make money. The good thing is that many marketing agencies refuse to be as cutthroat as these businesses anymore: most agencies have high morals and a specific outlook on how to treat consumers. But battling with clients takes a lot of energy and clout.

I’ve been asked a lot lately about how businesses can best market their products right now. What is the right thing to do? What is the kind thing to do? How can you keep your business afloat and support your community and still participate in marketing so you don’t lose momentum?

Here’s a breakdown of what I’ve been telling my clients.

1. Use Common Sense.

It goes without saying, but: if it feels gross or wrong to do it, it probably is. Posting something that just doesn’t feel right… you probably already know it’s not right. Something that takes advantage of people’s fear (such as posting ads for masks or claiming products help or prevent COVID 19), or something that preys on people’s fears or insecurities… these aren’t good marketing practices even in the best of times.

In general, there are two rules here:

  • Don’t post anything that can harm people. Will your marketing cause harm? Will it make people do something stupid (like rush out to buy something they do not need) out of fear or because they think what you said was true?

  • Don’t make false claims. Right now, there is a lot of information out there on “this prevents COVID 19” or “this will keep you healthy.” The truth is there is no product you can buy and consume that will prevent you from getting COVID 19, so making claims otherwise is bullshit.

2. Chill Out on Heavy Sales.

Heavy sales-focused posts are going to rub most consumers wrong—and all marketers. I have been screenshotting ads that I feel are in poor taste. One I got recently was for a brand I love (I buy their products at Whole Foods all the time) and it was a special sale code using “COVID 19” or “STAY AT HOME” for a certain amount off. Big oof.

There is nothing wrong with advertising a sale right now. But make sure what you’re advertising is appropriate for the situation and you do so with care and kindness towards your community.

Here’s a good example:

  • “We know many of us are at home, which is an incredible privilege. Right now, we are offering a sale on our X product; use code SUNDAY to get 10% off—and we’ll donate 10% of proceeds to [charity].”

Recognize and acknowledge that people might be struggling right now, especially financially.

3. Focus on Compassion.

Related to my last point: a lot of people are struggling now. Some mentally, some financially, some physically. People are ill. People are grieving.

Show some compassion.

If this means pivoting your content away from selling and more towards supporting your community (“what can I do for you? how can I help you? what charities should I donate to?”), then do it. If you have the ability, do it! It’s easy right now to be entirely focused on you and your business. We’re all worried, like I said. There is no point in trying to participate in the “worry Olympics” or trying to make hard times a competition. Yes, some people have it worse. We’re all struggling, though, and being kind of people is pretty much free.

Show some compassion to your customers. Send free product if you can. Cut people some slack.

4. We Don’t Need Another Work from Home Article.

Ok, I’m fully guilty of writing my own work from home article. But if I see one more huge brand posting their work from home tips, I’m going to scream.

After all, it was barely 6 months ago when a business in Eugene told me that they didn’t foresee a world where it was possible for people in my career to work 100% remotely and that asking to work from home so I could more effectively take care of my child was unrealistic. Who is laughing now, friends!? So yes, it sucks to see that very same business churning out work from home content, taking care of your children content, etc. It’s just frustrating for those of us who know that at least some of these businesses have not effectively supported the women or men in their employ who need the ability to work from home, either due to children, commute issues, or disabilities.

So, in short: we don’t need any more work from home content. We just need compassion, support, and a good laugh.

5. Think On Your Feet.

Things are changing every single day. Being able to pivot your content on a moment’s notice is going to be important. For many brands, the ability to stop their content right at the beginning of March was challenging, but it’s taught us one thing: as much as social media managers (like me!) like to have content planned and scheduled months in advance… the reality is that’s probably not an effective strategy in a world where things can change in a moment’s notice.

This also applies to replying to consumer complaints; being able to take on your followers (customers, fans, however you refer to them!) challenges and issues will be part of your strategy from here on out. Seeing a ton of the same complaint? The same issue? How can you help? Can you think of a meaningful response on the spot?

I hope these tips help you market your brand in an uneasy time! Have additional suggestions or ideas? Let me know in the comments